Water Cycle

The Water Cycle is the way water moves around the Earth. It happens all the time and never stops. 

Evaporation happens when the sun heats the ground and its surroundings which causes all the moisture in the earth to turn into water vapour. As the water heats up, the water droplets start to rise up into the air, like steam. Have you ever looked at the roads or tennis courts on a summer day after a shower? That’s how you know. This leads to the next step which is condensation. 

Water droplets go up in the sky. It stops because when the droplets fly by the steam makes the drop Leeds fly. The more it flies away it stops and wall it stops it meets some more water droplets and they form into a cloud.

When there are lots of Water droplets they get too heavy to stay up there and it falls down like rain. The water droplets gets cold it falls down to hail. If the water droplets get too cold it falls down as snow.

When the rain, Snow, or hail falls to the ground, Trees, Cars and buildings, mountains and Hals.  The rain and hail travel down to the sewers into the sea or ocean.   

This will repeat over and over and over again.


One thought on “Water Cycle

  1. Hi Wycliffe
    It was very interesting reading about the Water Cycle. Imagine if we didn’t understand this and never looked after our water resources. where did you get your information from?

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