Category: Hanga | Create

Why Is A.I Bad


Sometimes AI can cause depression like social media and games, also there’s stokers that take photos of people and make cyber bullying.

Deep Fake is an app that lets you take a photo of someone from every angle and that person’s face onto somebody else’s face.


Recorder, Notes, Live Captions, Transcribe, Smart Text-Recorder

Navigation and Travel-Navigation and travel is an important part of our travelling so we can know where we’re going, when we’re travelling we don’t need to look at a map, the A.I. just says which way to go.

Search Engines-Search Engines can help you solve some very difficult questions and some words and things that you never knew about. This can help us a lot and could help us discover more things, and know more stuff. Search Engines are very helpful modern day, you can search *nearly* everything on the web/search engines.

People did it to people that’s famous and lot’s of people. Some people use AI to cheat in tests or school work.


AI can also make music.

How to use it: take your favourite artist and combine all their music together and the AI will get all the information from that arts  and make a new song that’s not even from that arts.     


Navigation and Travel-Navigation and travel is an important part of our travelling so we can know where we’re going, when we’re travelling we don’t need to look at a map, the A.I. just says which way to go.


Search Engines-Search Engines can help you solve some very difficult questions and some words and things that you never knew about. This can help us a lot and could help us discover more things, and know more stuff. Search Engines are very helpful modern day, you can search *nearly* everything on the web/search engines. Search Engines has a spice inside of the chrome book\laptop and a camera on the top of your chrome book\laptop that’s why I block the camera with a sticker, letting you know.  


Water Cycle

The Water Cycle is the way water moves around the Earth. It happens all the time and never stops. 

Evaporation happens when the sun heats the ground and its surroundings which causes all the moisture in the earth to turn into water vapour. As the water heats up, the water droplets start to rise up into the air, like steam. Have you ever looked at the roads or tennis courts on a summer day after a shower? That’s how you know. This leads to the next step which is condensation. 

Water droplets go up in the sky. It stops because when the droplets fly by the steam makes the drop Leeds fly. The more it flies away it stops and wall it stops it meets some more water droplets and they form into a cloud.

When there are lots of Water droplets they get too heavy to stay up there and it falls down like rain. The water droplets gets cold it falls down to hail. If the water droplets get too cold it falls down as snow.

When the rain, Snow, or hail falls to the ground, Trees, Cars and buildings, mountains and Hals.  The rain and hail travel down to the sewers into the sea or ocean.   

This will repeat over and over and over again.


Ki o’ rahi

June 13th 2023 we played ki o’rahi.

There were 4 teams and the teams were Rimu/blue, Rata/red, Totara/yellow and  Kauri/green.

The first match was against Kauri vs. Rata but I didn’t see  it because I was in class but Kauri won.


In the next game it was Rimu vs.Totara, Totara won but I was in Rimu. 

I really tried but we got smacked and it was not even a close game we lost so bad.

Kauri .vs. Totara, I only watched half of the game but it was a close game, Kauri won like always.

The next game was Rimu .vs. Rata, Rimu won. 

I was not playing that game but it was a close game.

Totara .vs. Rata I don’t even know what happened that whole game. Maybe because I was doing magic the whole time but all I know is that Rata lost.

Kauri .vs. Rata it was a fun game and it was a close game. 

Rata won by 3, It was funny and cool at the same time.



Preparing for Athletics Day


After morning tea, Room 6 went to the field to meet Coach Bart. He was going to teach us new skills for Athletics Day. It was very hot and we had to take our sweatshirts off and bring our water bottles to the field. I was excited.

At first Coach Bart taught us how to run on our toes and our heels. We played a game called sheepdog and it was fun but it was hard too. We had to run away from the sheepdogs who had to tag us and if they tagged you, you had to run round a square.

After playing sheepdog, we went to the edge of the field. Coach Bart  taught us how to get ready for a race and we had to sprint to the end of the field and touch the stone wall. Then we played this game when you have to race and tag the person in front of you.

In the end we stood on blue cones and Coach Bart gave us little animal bean bags and we had to jump over them. If we  jumped over them we had to keep moving them further away. I liked learning how to jump as far as I could by swinging my arms and jumping with two feet.

Later we came back to class. I was hot but not too tired.





















Animation Blog – Rugby at Marist

We have been making animations on our chromebooks in Google slides.

I really enjoyed this because I could make my character move.

My favourite part was making the story move.

My story is about rugby at my rugby club, Marist.